LIFE 7230 NGogolewko – new nature reserve!

Gogolewko – a fen in the Słupia Valley Landscape Park – at the request of the Naturalists’ Club, was established as a nature reserve. It was due to the efforts of the project partner – the Regional Directorate of Environmental Protection in Gdańsk. The reserve aims to preserve the complex of soligenous peatlands together with the […]


Almost last conservation measures within the project!

In October on Skotawskie Łąki, Kopaniarze and Trępel fens were conducted one of the last in the project conservation measures. In the Nature Reserve Skotawskie Łąki (Pomeranian province) 18 dams were repaired. By blocking drainage from the ditches, the process of their overgrowth and regeneration of water conditions in the fen started several years ago. […]


Conservation plan for Mechowiska Sulęczyńskie Reserve approved!

On 15 September, the conservation plan of the Mechowiska Sulęczyńskie Reserve was approved by the Regional Director of Environmental Protection in Gdańsk. Recall that the reserve was created within the framework of the project by Klub Przyrodników and the project partner – RDOŚ in Gdańsk. This was possible thanks to the purchase of private plots, […]


Another step forward proper water conditions on Gogolewko fen

Gogolewko is one of the new sites – added to the project in July last year when we signed an amendment to the grant agreement. Gogolewko is over 35 hectares of fen that have been under investigation and protected for years by the Club and the Pomeranian Landscape Park Complex, which is the legal owner of the […]


"Conservation and restoration of alkaline fens (code 7230) in the young-glacial landscape of the northern Poland" 

"Conservation of alkaline fens (7230) in southern Poland" 

"Green Valleys: connecting habitats' conservation with long term biomass management and multi-stakeholder approach"