Be AWARE – international seminar on wetland restoration

Between 22 – 23.04.2013, the employees of the Club took part in the international workshop on issues related to the protection and restoration of wetlands – AWARE – Approaches in Wetland Restoration, which took place in Warsaw on the campus of the University of Warsaw. During the meeting, peatland protection issues were discussed from different perspectives – […]


We bought our first alkaline fen!

On 21st of March 2013, the Club purchased a 12.5 ha of alkaline fens in the river Pliszka valley near village called Kosobudki.


Workshops opening the project

20 December 2012 workshops opening the project were held in Gdańsk.


Execution of NFOŚiGW funding agreement

29 September 2012 a funding agreement was executed with the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management for co-funding the project from the domestic funds.


"Conservation and restoration of alkaline fens (code 7230) in the young-glacial landscape of the northern Poland" 

"Conservation of alkaline fens (7230) in southern Poland" 

"Green Valleys: connecting habitats' conservation with long term biomass management and multi-stakeholder approach"