In September, the European Commission approved the Midterm Report of the project thus triggering a second tranche of the advance payment on further implementation of the project. In FILES tab one can download the Report and some of the technical annexes.


First meeting of the Local Co-operation Team in a frame of drafting of Conservation Measures Plan for the Natura 2000 Torfowiska nad Prosną

On 7th September the Municipal Office of Galewice held the first meeting of the Local Co-operation Team in a frame of drafting Conservation Measures Plan for the Natura 2000 site Torfowiska nad Prosną PLH100037. Naturalists’ Club is drawing up a proposal of this Plan on the basis of an agreement with the Regional Directorate of […]


The first information boards placed!

In August we installed first information boards about the Project at various sites in Podkarpacie. Boards stand at facilities located in the Magura National Park, the Bieszczady National Park and the nature reserve “Źródliska Jasiołki” (an object in the management of Rymanów State Forest District).  


Second study visit already behind us

Between 30th of July and 8th of August employees of the Club and Project collaborators participated in the second study visit aimed to exchange experiences and identify good practices in peatland protection in other countries implementing other LIFE projects. We visited a French project LIFE13 NAT / FR / 762 ‘LIFE Jura Peatlands – Functional rehabilitation of the […]


"Conservation and restoration of alkaline fens (code 7230) in the young-glacial landscape of the northern Poland" 

"Conservation of alkaline fens (7230) in southern Poland" 

"Green Valleys: connecting habitats' conservation with long term biomass management and multi-stakeholder approach"