Klub Przyrodników was nominated to Polish Innovation Award 2015

Klub Przyrodników was nominated to Polish Innovation Award 2015. Polish Innovation Award is a program run for three years by the Polish Agency for Enterprise. Its purpose is to reward entities operating on the Polish market, whose activities are characterized by innovation and attention to the sphere of research and development. On its media editorial part […]


Scientific Conference “Polish mires – protection, restitution, monitoring”

W dniach 1-5 września 2015 r. odbyła się konferencja poświęcona ochronie, restytucji i monitoringowi torfowisk w Polsce. Konferencja został również zorganizowana by uświetnić 90 urodziny Pani Prof. dr hab. Janiny Jasnowskiej – „badaczce torfowisk, wychowawczyni młodzieży i obrończyni przyrody” – tak autorzy publikacji pn. „Torfowiska Pomorza – identyfikacja, ochrona, restytucja” zadedykowali swój przewodnik terenowy po […]


Klub Przyrodników is seeking the new employee

Anoucement   Naturalists’ Club is looking for an employee to employ her/him to work in the field of active protection of fens involving the removal of trees and shrubs and mowing in the framework of the project LIFE13 NAT / E / 024  “Protecting alkaline fens (7230) in southern Poland.” Naturalists’ Club provides the necessary equipment […]


The second season of mowing and trees/shrubs removal launched

Since the beginning of September we started to continue interrupted in February conservation actions: mowing and shurbs removal. We plan to mow by Spring 2016 approx. 100 hectares and remove trees and shrubs from approx. 90 hectares. The works are performed by elected in 2014 contractors. Soon we will inform about the results of this work.


"Conservation and restoration of alkaline fens (code 7230) in the young-glacial landscape of the northern Poland" 

"Conservation of alkaline fens (7230) in southern Poland" 

"Green Valleys: connecting habitats' conservation with long term biomass management and multi-stakeholder approach"