Second study visit already behind us

Between 30th of July and 8th of August employees of the Club and Project collaborators participated in the second study visit aimed to exchange experiences and identify good practices in peatland protection in other countries implementing other LIFE projects. We visited a French project LIFE13 NAT / FR / 762 ‘LIFE Jura Peatlands – Functional rehabilitation of the […]


We installed first Clemson’s cylinders

In April, the first devices were installed for determining appropriate conditions of water conditions disturbed by the activity of beavers. The devices are an essential element of the action C.5: “Optimization of water conditions disturbed by the activity of beavers” in the project. The purpose of the above is to prevent the destruction of habitat 7230. […]


Workshop on Rospuda already behind us

On 27-28 April 2015 in KUKLE Resort Centre in Kukle near Giby we held a workshop on the protection of alkaline fens combined with a trip on a Rospuda fen. The workshop aimed to summarize the halfway point of the project, to bring results and lessons learned of other LIFE + projects (including the Biebrza […]


We built first dams

In the Pliszka Valley on the Kosobudki fen were built first dams designed to improve the hydrological conditions on the fen. During the workshop, which took place in July 2014, we personally have done two of them. Currently under contract for construction works were built other 17. Number of active ditches on the fen is so significat that […]


"Conservation and restoration of alkaline fens (code 7230) in the young-glacial landscape of the northern Poland" 

"Conservation of alkaline fens (7230) in southern Poland" 

"Green Valleys: connecting habitats' conservation with long term biomass management and multi-stakeholder approach"