Natura 2000 site Łąka w Bęczkowicach PLH100004 is located in two counties (piotrkowski and radomszczański) in Łódź voivodeship. It has been assigned to protect valuable natural habitats: mainly transition mires (7140) and alkaline fens (7230) and the population liparis loeselii. This is one of the most valuable areas of this type in the Łódź voivodeship. […]
In the winter season 2015/2016 we made the last round of mowing and removing of trees and shrubs from the objects in the project. In this round of work the 37 ha of fens was mowed and on 37.5 ha we removed shrubs and trees. In total, during the winter seasons 2014/2015 and 2015/2016 we conducted the preparatory […]
On 2nd and 3rd of March in Krościenko on Dunajec a meeting of cross-project was organized by the Polish Society for the Protection of Birds. Its goal was to summarize the experiences and achievements of environmental projects implemented currently in the Polish Carpathians, as well as the debate on the most important problems in the protection of […]
The annual World Wetlands Day (2 February) in 2016 year was a pretext to organize, by the Estonian NGO – Estonian Fund for Nature – an international conference in Tartu in Estonia, titled “From the usage till reconstruction of wetlands”. I have participated as the representative of the Naturalist Club, with the presentation of experiences […]