On 6th July 2015 a conference inaugurating the project “Protection of alkaline fens (7230) in southern Poland”, was held at the headquarters of the Gorce National Park – a co-beneficiary of the Project. The conference was attended by representatives of Districts and Regional Directorate of State Forests, in which the project is being implemented, but also representatives of the landscape parks and of course representatives of institutions managing Natura 2000: Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection in Kraków, Rzeszów and Łódź and the General Directorate of Environmental Protection. There were also employees of Naturalists’ Club and the Gorce National Park.
The conference was opened by Mr. Robert Stańko – Naturalists’ Club President, and Mr. Janusz Tomasiewicz – Director of the Gorce National Park, who warmly welcomed the guests. Then the employee of Naturalists’ Club – Mr. Filip Jarzombkowski talked about the different types of peatlands which occur in Poland, their resources, the conservation status and threats. After this short theoretical preparation, individual objects included in the Project have been characterized. This characteristics have been made by employees of the Club – Ms. Magdalena Bregin and Mr. Filip Jarzombkowski.
After the coffee break Mr. Marek Ruciński– an employee of Gorce National Park – told us about the objects located within the Gorce National Park. Then the voice again took the employee of Naturalists’ Club – Mrs. Dorota Horabik, who told about the objectives, assumptions and activities undertaken by the Project and Mrs. Magdalena Makles, who familiarized participants with alkaline fens conservation issues in the context of the implementation of the LIFE+ projects. All the speeches were interspersed with discussion on the merit mainly on how to protect alkaline fens and the possibilities of effective implementation of conservation measures. After the conference, all participants went for lunch.
On the second day a field trip was scheduled – as a part of the first meeting of the Project’s Steering Committee. The purpose of the trip was to show some of the fens included in the Project, located within the Gorce National Park. During our visit project’s objects we heard about the history of the Park, the protection methods of habitats within the Park, but also we saw effects of carried out by the Park conservation measures for the needs of both habitats and species. During our visit we were guided by the Director of the Gorce National Park Mr. Janusz Tomasiewicz together with his employees – for which we sincerely thank you.
Below you will find the conference program and several photographs documenting the conference and field trip.
fot. J. Kałużny (RDOŚ Kraków)
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