Basic information about the project

The project is scheduled for implementation between 01/09/2018 – 31/08/2025 in partnership with 5 organizations from Belgium and Poland: Natuurpunt (as the lead beneficiary) and Agentschap voor Natuur en Bos (Agency for Nature and Forests) Natuurinvest and: Natuurpunt Studie – z Belgium and the Naturalists’ Club in Poland.

The total planned budget of the project is EUR 8 318 632 (about PLN 35 770 118), of which activities implemented by the Club in Poland have a budget of EUR 596 548 (about PLN 2 565 156, of which PLN 199 178.40 is eligible for co-financing from funds from WFOŚiGW in Zielona Góra). 60% of the total amount of the project, ie EUR 357 928 (PLN 1 539 094) is a co-financing of the European Commission, with funds from the WFOŚiGW in Zielona Góra planned to cover 17% of the value of eligible project costs in Poland, ie PLN 432,062.10.


The areas on which the project will be implemented are unique habitats of river valleys (the main habitats covered by the project are lowland extensively managed meadows (6510), alkaline fens (7230) and forests (mainly 91E0 *, 9160)) with the last in Flanders positions of a few rare species and the largest populations of rare species in Poland. In cooperation with interested parties and partners, we want to solve the problem of biomass arising from land use, improve recreation and tourism in the project areas. The project will involve economic entities in the area of ​​the Green Valleys (E.3) and the activities of volunteers will be improved (E.4). Enabling local communities to participate in the project and acquiring knowledge and experience will bring people closer to nature and nature to people. An important target group will be entities that can gain additional knowledge as part of this project (E.1)

Activities implemented in Poland by Klub Przyrodników

The Naturalists’ Club in Poland plans to implement the activities entirely in the Lubuskie voivodship in Natura 2000 sites: Dolina Pliszki, Ilanka Valley, and Młodno and Dolina Leniwej Obry, as well as in Młodno and Ilanka Dolina reserves, “Dolina Ilanki II” and “Mechowisko Kosobudki”. The project is carried out entirely on the areas owned by the Club or leased by the Club. The activities planned and implemented in the project (mowing) are in line with the conservation plans for Natura 2000 sites: Ilanka Valley, Pliszki Valley and Dolina Leniwej Obry, conservation plans for the “Torfowisko Młodno” and “Ilanka Valley” reserves and also plans of protection of the “Ilanka II Valley” and “Mechowisko Kosobudki” reserves planned for protection. The aim of the part implemented by the Club is long-term guarantee of the protection of habitat 7230, which is the object of conservation activities under the implemented project LIFE11 NAT / PL / 423. This project is to serve, in a way, to maintain the ecological effects achieved by the currently implemented project and to allow the Club for a long-term extensive mowing economy in this area without the need to involve large amounts of resources from external sources.

This text is also available in: PL

"Conservation and restoration of alkaline fens (code 7230) in the young-glacial landscape of the northern Poland" 

"Conservation of alkaline fens (7230) in southern Poland" 

"Green Valleys: connecting habitats' conservation with long term biomass management and multi-stakeholder approach"